
Health and welness tips

  Start Your Day with Hydration: Begin your morning by drinking a glass of water. Staying hydrated is essential for overall health, and it helps kickstart your metabolism. Eat Nutrient-Rich Foods: Plan balanced meals that include a variety of fruits, vegetables, lean proteins, and whole grains. This provides your body with the necessary nutrients for energy and well-being. Incorporate Physical Activity: Find time for exercise, even if it's just a short walk or a quick workout. Regular physical activity has numerous health benefits, including improved mood and increased energy. Practice Mindfulness or Meditation: Take a few minutes to engage in mindfulness or meditation to reduce stress and promote mental well-being. This can be particularly beneficial on a busy day. Take Breaks: If you're working or studying, make sure to take breaks to stretch and move around. This helps prevent fatigue and enhances focus and productivity. Connect with Others: Social connections contribu

Dance for Health. Gilgit | Hunza | Ghizer


What is the meaning of life? Does my life make sense?

 Meaning of life According to Wikipedia Meaning of life is a freedom from suffering'' through apatheia, that is being objective and having ''clear judgement'', not indifference. Does my life make sense? Yes Off course all living things life make sense.As a part of this universe it,s our responsibility to take care of lives.

The things which are bad for your mental health.

Things b a d for mental health. Media : They spread Hate,drama,fear every time. Toxic People Friends,coworkers,boss and family if you can,t completely take them out of your life,limit contact with them. Sleeping too much or too little Ditching a healthy diet Overindulging on alcohol

How covid -19 is transmitting?

What is Covid -19?  it is a Coronavirus disease. How Covid-19 is transmitting? Covid -19 transmits when we breath in air contaminated by droplets and small airborne particles. when people sit near to each others this can happen a transfer of transmitting Covid-19.

Current issues in Health care system

 Major problems with the Healthcare system High cost of care. Nursing and physician shortage. Poor Amenable mortality rates. Difficulty in finding a good doctor. Lack of insurance coverage. Different perspectives on solving the shortage crisis. Preventable medical errors. Health care is an extensive social problem, that affect many urban communities today.people living in urban areas are having more issues in Health care system.

Sexual and Reproductive health and Rights.

 What is Sexual and Reproductive health and Rights? Reproductive rights are the individual right of individual to decide whether to reproduce and have reproductive health.This includes an individual right to terminate a pregnancy, Learn about sex education in public schools, Use contraceptives, Gain access to reproductive health services and right to plan a family. Reproductive rights of a women. Women has right to access in order to make reproductive  choices free of coercion discrimination and violence also has right to access education about cotraception and sexually transmitting diseases   Women,s sexual and reproductive health is related to multiple human rights, including right to life, the right to be free from torture, the right to health, the right to education, the right of privacy and the right of the prohibition of discrimination.