
Showing posts from November, 2021

Sexual and Reproductive health and Rights.

 What is Sexual and Reproductive health and Rights? Reproductive rights are the individual right of individual to decide whether to reproduce and have reproductive health.This includes an individual right to terminate a pregnancy, Learn about sex education in public schools, Use contraceptives, Gain access to reproductive health services and right to plan a family. Reproductive rights of a women. Women has right to access in order to make reproductive  choices free of coercion discrimination and violence also has right to access education about cotraception and sexually transmitting diseases   Women,s sexual and reproductive health is related to multiple human rights, including right to life, the right to be free from torture, the right to health, the right to education, the right of privacy and the right of the prohibition of discrimination.

How to memorize anything without even trying.

Memorize anything without even trying.  If you or your friends have trouble in memorizing things i had be willing to haven,t tried the best and easiest way to memorize anythings. You don,t stress about whether or not it,s getting in your head you just read it and read it again,And again. Why it is important to to memorize through the whole method? It is important because it is so easy and you remember it better. Memorization tips. Find a good time to memorize. Be consistent. Read out loud if possible. Review.  

What are the habits that destroy your focus and productivity?

 Habits that destroy your focus and Productivity. 1- Starting your days scrolling on Instagram and ending the day on Tiktok  or Snapchat. 2- Not trying to finish what you have started,starting too many goals or tasks at once. 3- Having several casual relationships ,they are just distractions,energy consuming and time draining. 4- Not following the "first things first" rule,replace urgent or important tasks with the first thing first . 5- Not having control over your thoughts,your mind wander away a lot from important things.

Health trends for 2021

 What are the health trends for 2021? New supply chain models for new care settings. Think outside your zip code. Personalization of care. Physical and Mental health. Inclusion and diversity. Flexibility.

Depression-Don,t suffer in silence.

 What is depression? Depression is a mood disorder that makes you feel constant sadness and lack of interest in life. What causes depression? There are many possible causes of depression, including Stressful life events,genetic vulnerability, medical problems, medications and Faulty mood regulation by brain. Depressed person has difficulties in remembering and concentrating.Once the disease is over 20 percent of depression never make a full recovery.depression not only makes a person sad it can also damage the brain permanently. A depressed persons brain does not function properly, But it can recover.  "Every person has his secret sorrows.which the word knows not;and often times we call a man cold when he is only sad."